The Trustees of the Douglas Bomford Trust are keen to encourage undergraduate students, with an interest in agricultural engineering or technology, to enhance their studies and personal development and to encourage them to go on to successful careers in the industry.
Douglas Bomford Studentships will be awarded on a competitive basis to those applicants who best demonstrate how the funds will be used to enhance their studies and personal development.
Am I eligible to apply?
You are eligible if you are registered on a relevant undergraduate course of study in the United Kingdom or Ireland and are a Student Member of IAgrE .
( Click here to apply for post graduate funding for research projects. There are also separate arrangements for travel scholarships.)
What is the Studentship?
Awards are made on an annual basis and are typically for 1 year with a value up to £1,500. Studentships may be awarded to provide particular support to a programme of study or project work through the provision of materials, equipment, computing hardware and software for example or for any other specified requirement. Cases where genuine financial hardship is inhibiting or preventing study will also be considered.