Audrey Lamden Travel Award

The Trust is pleased to invite applications for this Travel Award, established through a bequest from the late Audrey Lamden in 2023. See below for Audrey's connection to the Bomford family and agriculture.

The Fund is held separately from the Trust’s other investments, and an award of up to £5,000 is available annually.

Please apply to [email protected] by 31 May 2025 for travel award in the period to 31 March 2026. Decisions as to the awardee will be made by end June 2025.

Criteria for Applications

The award can be for an individual or group and the proposed visit/tour should be designed to further the education and learning for those studying or working in the field of agricultural engineering and technology.

How to apply

  1. Name, status, contact information and CV for the lead organiser; names of all involved in the application. (Further details may be requested.)
  2. Place, time and duration of visit.
  3. Purpose of the visit.
  4. What will be achieved by the visit, including personal and professional development.
  5. How will this comply with the Trust’s objectives – refer to eligibility
  6. How will the visit be reported:
    a. to the Trust and when
    b. to others (who, how and when).
  7. Provide an itinerary for the visit.
  8. Itemise all costs associated specifically with the visit.
  9. Itemise all costs for which Trust funding is requested.
  10. Indicate how any remaining costs will be funded.
  11. Other comments.

What happens next

  • The Technical Secretary assesses applications prior forwarding to Trustees for consideration.
  • Applicants are informed of the Trustees' decision.
  • The decision of the Trustees is final.
  • Post travel, the Trustees will require a brief report highlighting the main benefits and outcomes of the project.
  • The Trust expects recognition of our support e.g.: in reports, presentations and conference papers.

Audrey Lamden

Audrey Lamden  was bookkeeper and personal assistant to Leslie Bomford (brother of Douglas Bomford) in the early 1950s. She remained in this position until her retirement, also working for several other prominent Hampshire farmers, and became a highly respected figure in the farming community.

After her retirement she became secretary of the Grasshoppers Club, a prestigious institution to which the best farmers in Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset were admitted by election. Her work involved arranging talks by important people connected to the agricultural industry, and organising the numerous foreign tours undertaken by the Grasshoppers, in which she accompanied them, usually as the only woman present.

Over the years Audrey became a friend to all the farming Bomfords, and was considered by the family as an honorary Bomford. The Bomford family and Trustees are deeply moved that Audrey chose to express her feelings about agriculture and the Bomford family with her bequest to the Trust.