
How to apply for Douglas Bomford Trust Studentships

You should think carefully about your application, bearing in mind that funds are limited and you are competing against other applicants. Applications should be emailed to [email protected] and headed ‘Studentship Award Application’. Your application should provide the following information.

  1. Your name, age, existing qualifications, University or College, Course of study, and the stage at which you are at on the course.
  2. A brief CV
  3. A letter of support from your tutor or other appropriate member of University or College staff
  4. Why you are applying for an award and how it will be used. This should include an explanation of why you are applying to the Trust for this award and how the award will benefit you.(max 500 words)
  5. Applicants should be mindful of the objectives of the Trust. See eligibility.

You can apply for an award in any year even if you have been awarded one previously.

Applicants from Harper Adams University and Royal Agricultural University should apply via the following links:

Applicants at other universities/colleges should apply direct to the Secretary at [email protected]

Closing date is 31 October.

What happens next?

  • Studentship applications are considered on an annual basis.
  • All applications will be assessed by a panel on behalf of the Board of Trustees during November.
  • Applicants may be called for interview, in which case reasonable expenses will be paid by the Trust.
  • All applicants will be informed of the outcome by end of November.
  • Award winners will also be announced in the IAgrE Journal ‘Landwards’.
  • The decision of the trustees is final.
  • The Trust expects recognition of our support eg: in reports and presentations

How will the studentship be administered?

At the time the award is made the methods of payment, payment schedules and reporting requirements will be agreed.

What will I have to do?

You will have to use the award as set out in your application. You will be responsible for informing the Trust of any changes that will affect this.

You will be encouraged to report to the Trustees how the award has been used and what has been achieved as a result.